FOEN Relocates Butterfly Garden Gazebo

foen relocates butterfly garden gazebo

The gazebo adjacent to the Butterfly Garden, installed in 2015 by the Friends of Eastern Neck to honor the late George and Jean Bankey, had long been in need of relocating onto level ground. That move took place in late September. After completing its short journey on a flatbed truck, the gazebo now sits at the end of a path on a proper gravel pad mere steps from the garden, and provides a serene setting to contemplate the surrounding landscape. George, a teacher and Marine Corps veteran, and Jean, who was active in numerous community organizations, were extraordinarily devoted to the Friends and the Refuge, often commuting from the Western Shore more than once a week to work on a wide variety of programs and projects. Their daughter, Laura Bankey, is vice president of conservation programs for the National Aquarium in Baltimore and a Friends member of nearly 20 years. The Friends are pleased to continue this tangible recognition of the family’s legacy.